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What is a Studio project?

Studio project is one of the two types of projects in Sitecloud where the visual web editor is the centric piece and components are the drums in this orchestra. It is targeted to all kind of users: content editors, marketers and developers.

Visual Editor

For content editors and marketers#

Content editors can easily create and modify any property or add new components to the web page, basic knowledge of how web sites are composed and what are the typical properties of web component (padding, margin, font size, etc...). There are multiple features and more to come:

  • Image gallery and stock images
  • Font families catalogue
  • Design based on flexbox
  • Custom components and integrations

Marketers can also enjoy a set of features oriented towards SEO and testing:

  • Page views
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Meta tags

For developers#

Most of the visual web editors available are not highly customizable or use propietary SDK which are not standard and lock users to their platform. Sitecloud uses a different approach, leveraging React and allowing developers to create custom components based on this popular library.

New components can be linked to your Studio projects in Sitecloud which will appears ready-to-use in your visual web editor, just drag an drop to your canvas as any other regular components, and let other non tech-savvy users to collaborate and compose websites using your components.

Developers code components using popular tools and libraries such as: